If demographics is destiny, Santa Barbara planners, pols and non-profit plotters who endlessly obsess about housing are well-advised to ponder the predilections and proclivities of the city's proliferating population of geezers.
That's one big takeaway from a splendid presentation made to City Council this week, by Independent Living Resource Center project coordinator Margaret Weiss, about the policy implications of the Graying of Santa Barbara.
Josh Molina reports that half of those without housing are over the age of 50, as the county heads to a 2030 population in which one in four people will be over the age of 60, a couple of trend lines that raise serious and unexpected questions about the constant housing discussion focused on the desires and needs of tech bros, millennial professionals and Gen Z Tik-Tokers.
Nick Welsh enriches the discussion with commentary about the growing number of seniors who have been reduced to living in their cars, as he explains the politics and policies behind Gov. Gavin Newsom's recent call for local communities to "resolve" -- i.e. tear apart - encampments of homeless people in their jurisdictions.
And Callie Fausey joins the panel to update her reporting on a last-minute reprieve for local rape crisis centers and crime victim services, from Sacramento's one-time infusion of $100 million for such programs.
The gang can't forget Fiesta, of course, as Callie turns a set of fresh eyes on Wednesday night's big production at the Mission, Josh goes behind the scenes with the city's most venerable producer of confetti eggs and Nick provides a learned discourse on the 19th Century origin of the cascarone.
Plus: What Hilda Maldonado has to say about a year of strife at the Santa Barbara Unified School District; a cool new interactive at the SB Zoo; and handicapping a pugilistic throw down between gophers and the Western Burrowing Owl.
Speaking of throwdowns, don't miss our sneak peek at that big mud wrestling match now available online over at "Santa Barbara Talks," our gabfest partner.
All this and more, right here, right now on Newsmakers TV.
Check out the latest episode via YouTube below or by clicking through this link. The podcast version is here. TVSB, Channel 17, airs the program every weeknight at 8 p.m. and on weekends, at 9 a.m. KCSB, 91.9 FM, broadcasts the show at 5:30 p.m. on Monday.
Image: The genial host struggles to discern the spirit of Fiesta (frame grab).